公司产品广泛应用于家具漆、装修漆、摩托车漆、塑胶漆、玩具漆、工业漆、地板漆、环氧地坪漆、UV涂料、粉墨涂料及各种油墨等各个领域。 公司各相关产品品种齐全、价格合理。东莞市杉木化工有限公司实力雄厚,重信用、守合同、保证产品质量,以多品种经营特色和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大客户的信任。
“高科产品 优质服务”,是公司长期的经营宗旨,未来杉木化工以更多优质高效的产品更好的为涂料油墨行业添砖加瓦!
SUMMIT chemicals, professional agent, distribution, wholesale all kinds of imported high quality raw materials, products include defoamers, leveling agents, dispersing agents, anti-settling agent, bentonite, hammer agent, drying agent, curing accelerator, the conductive agentadhesion promoting agent, by hard wear agents, anti-oil, elastic resin, feeling agent, water-based additives, matting agents, sand flour, wax, white carbon black, curing agent. After years of development, the company has gradually established a sound marketing network, and cultivate a strong team of technical services; products sell well in the paint and ink market, enjoy a higher status in the industry. To establish a long-term stable cooperative relations with a number of overseas famous enterprises, and strive to provide the most cost-effective products for new and old customers.
Our products are widely used in furniture, paint, decoration paint, motorcycle paint, plastic paint, toy paint, industrial paint, floor paint, epoxy floor paint, UV coating, full regalia paint and a variety of inks and other various fields. The full range of company related products, at reasonable prices. SUMMIT chemical Co., Ltd. of Dongguan City, strong, credit, keep the contract to ensure product quality, operating characteristics and the principle of small profits but quick turnover of the more varieties, has won the trust of our customers.
"Hi-Tech products and quality service" is the company's long-term business purposes, SUMMIT chemicals better quality and efficient products contribute to the paint and ink industry!
- 所在地区:广东省东莞市
- 行业分类:化学原料及化学制品制造业
- 企业类型:有限责任公司
- 注册资金:10万人民币[RMB
- 地址:广东省 东莞市 东莞市 南城区宏远管理区
- 邮编:523003